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Kamis, 24 November 2011

Behaviorism Theory in Learning Process

-->Behaviorism theory in learning process say to us that learn is change in the behavior which can be observed, measured concretely. The change was happened when the stimulus can make a feedback (response). Stimulant is the environment of the student when they are study. Response is the effect, such as physic reaction to stimulant. Study is situation to make the memory be strong so it can make association to produce behavior.

The Behaviorism theory
1.      The environment is very important. Its mean that the success of process in study can happen if the environment to study is good and support it
Example : the student will be success if the teacher, their family and the people in their environment are support them, it can be positive energy to the student to study better and better,
2.      The part is important. Its mean that one student or a part of process in study have connected one to another, so the success in process of study is hanging to part of it
Example: the teacher can make the process of study to be success if the student response to them, the situation can’t happen if a part of process of study has no connected to another.
3.      The past is important. Experience in the past is important in process of study because it makes a memory to student in the process of study and the memory makes the student understand how to do.
Example: When the student wrongs in answer the question it will be an experience in the memory of student so that they won’t do the same mistake in the future.
4.      Reaction or response is important. Reaction or response from the student is important because in this theory teacher’s function to give stimulus to the student so that the student can give response. If this process was happened, the process of study can be better.
Example of stimulus is when the teacher gives a material or question to the student and response is reaction of student when they receive it. If the students are passive the situation won’t happen
5.      Exercise and habitual is important. Its mean that process in study is full of many exercises so that the student can solve the problem by themselves because they have done it for a long time in many exercises. This theory tell to us that process in learning must full of exercise so that the student will know their wrong and they will repair it by themselves.
Example: our English language will be fluent if we usually use it in our conversation everyday.
This theory is pin in lesson which basically in practice and habitual like speed, reflect ect. Such as in conversation in foreign language, use the computer, dance, swimming, sport and something like that.
The purpose of this theory is the target in skill has been get.

By: Anisa Wijayanti

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